Chapter History
The idea of a Delta graduate chapter in the Western Suburbs was conceived over brown bag lunches at Irving School in Maywood, IL in 1976, by three sorors, Georgia Edwards, Denise Hendry, and Shirley G. Johnson. Upon securing the information needed to begin the process from Soror Anna Johnson Julian, who was a resident of Oak Park, IL and the 4th National President (1929-1931) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Georgia, Denise, and Shirley set out to organize the chapter.
The chartering ceremony was held on January 23, 1977, at the Holiday Inn in Hillside, IL. The Regional Director at that time was Soror Bernadine Dennings. The original name given to the chapter was the Bolingbrook Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. However, the name was changed to the Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae Chapter (GEAAC) because this proved to be the central location of the charter-ing sorors.
Charter members included: Jacqueline Anderson, Helen Branch, Geraldine Crider, Hazel Dandridge, Georgia L. Edwards, Dr. Lois Garland-Patterson, Carolyn Gibson, Katherine Hainey, Denise Hendry, Angela Jackson, Theresa Jackson, Shirley G. Johnson, Virginia Lucas Lasenby, Thomasine Leon, Phyllis Lewis, Katherine Owens, Patricia Robinson, Pamela Hannon Smith, Ira Redmond Thompson, Tempie Thornton, Muriel Watkins, Catherine Watson, Mary Wells and C’Ella Williams.
GEAAC has 245 members whose ages range from the early 20’s to the seasoned age of 70+. These college educated women hold various degrees and serve as accountants, administrators, advocates, authors, dentists, elected officials, entrepreneurs, law enforcement officers, attorneys, ministers, justices, physicians, principals, scientists, social workers and teachers. Several members of the chapter serve the Sorority in various capacities such as Collegiate Chapter Advisors, as well as positions on the State, Regional and National levels of Delta Sigma Theta. Nearly 100% of GEAAC members are registered voters and more than forty serve as Deputy Registrars within the six counties served by the chapter.
Charter Members

Charter Members (photo taken 2/11/2012)
Standing (L to R): Pamela Hannon Smith, Katherine Hainey, Katherine Owens, Theresa Jackson and Thomasine Leon.
Sitting (L to R): Virginia Lasenby, Shirley G. Johnson, Georgia Edwards and Denise Hendry
Not Pictured:Jacqueline Anderson, Helen Branch, Geraldine Crider, Hazel Dandridge, Dr. Lois Garland -Patterson, Carolyn Gibson, Angela Jackson, Patricia Robinson, Ira Redmond Thompson, Tempie Thornton, Muriel Watson, Catherine Watson, Mary Wells, & E’Ella Williams
Jabberwock – primary fundraisers for college scholarships.
Delta Academy and Delta GEMS (Growing & Empowering Myself Successfully) – focuses on educational, social and physical well-being of girls ages 8 to 18.
EMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence) – programs aimed at helping boys meet their fullest potential educationally, socially and emotionally.
Financial Fortitude – designed to edu-cate chapter members and the community on building wealth and financial security.
Healthy Lifestyles – aims to educate and facilitate physical, mental and spiritual life-style changes for the well being of members of the sorority and the community
Social Action is exemplified by GEAAC’s leadership in voter education, registration and mobilization, and its involvement in legislative issues that affect communities in its service area.
International Issues that protect and support the rights and health care of women and girls, including programs to support clean water initiatives.